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Batch render view 2.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

batch render sequence using maya viewport and it can distribute render over network

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  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/09/2012
File Size: 12.4 KB


Doesnt save rendered frames

Submitted byjohn chen john chen
I see the renderview going through the frames, but the images are not been saved locally on my computer, I'm rendering out an animation sequence. maya 2012 x64

Comments on this bug:

  • john chen

    john chen said over 12 years ago:

    Ok, looks like the script doesn't like custom namespaces in the camera name if you have imported camera data. EG: my old camera name was scenename:rendercam_1 If I rename the camera to just rendercam_1 it is saving the image.
  • ranjykey

    ranjykey said almost 12 years ago:

    Also happened to me. Maya 2013 with service pack 2. Kind of frustrating because many complexe scene have referenced camera. The easy turn around is to import the camera and point orient constraint on the original one to not loose the animation on it. I would recommend to put a notice about namespace until you fix the problem ;-) Keep on the great work, scripter!

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