broken glass, animation broken progress, faster, simple
2.drag and drop the mel file in maya to run
or copy it to your script folder,open maya, open script editor, type knapper_UI
simple start "Template" button, 5 locators will be generate, it use to define glass shape and broken center point, you can move the locators to adjust the shape and broken center, then
b.go to next tab "knap_flaw". click "KnappeR" button, waiter several seconds, it will be generate broken glass, set your animation start frame is 0.
*for "knap_flaw" Tab, "collapse" option, if you turn on this option, glass pieces will be replace with particle, and the particlePP mass depends on the pieces volume, if turn off the option, glass pieces will be quadrangle polygon mesh.
CGtalk link
animation preview
showreal animation link:
the mel download Link: Attached Files (8.8 KB, 102 views) |
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