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dpAutoRigSystem 3.9.1 for Maya (maya script)

Free Auto Rig System for Maya

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Last Modified:04/21/2020
File Size: 649 KB


double transform

Submitted byfothers fothers


using the quadraped setup (with extra added FK line for trunk of elephant) I get double transforms on the spine joints when I move the whole rig with the global locator. I unhide the joints and I can see this happening.

When the rig is first built this does not happen. It only seems to happen after the skinning takes place from your interface.

If I select the skinning joints myself and then skin from the maya menu, the double transform does not happen, thankfully..., and it works fine. most odd


Comments on this bug:

  • fothers

    fothers said about 12 years ago:

    Ah I see. This is great. Thanks for your quick response. Dave.
  • nilouco

    nilouco said about 12 years ago:

    Hi Dave, Yes, you are right. This happen if you skin the nurbsPlane from the ribbon of the spine. In this version its shown in the skinning tab from UI, but in the current version that I am working on, I don't show this nurbsPlane anymore in order to avoid this user mistake. One tip for this is use the radioButton Skin Selected Geometries and select your geometries in the outliner. I hope have helped you. Thanks for your feedback :) Cheers, Danilo.

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