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FREE Slap On Auto Rigging for Body and Face 4.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Rig any bipedal character in minutes... for FREE!

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Last Modified:05/31/2018
File Size: 13.6 MB


Character with a tail

Submitted by: Demonicdee Demonicdee
Hello Badmanjam and others,

I was wondering if it were possible someone could help me figure out a way to get a tail to work with the auto rig. :)
I have rigged the tail and added it into the torso folder of the rigged character, although, this obviously isn't ideal as the tail moves incorrectly when I move the torso.
I am aware that the auto rig wasn't designed for characters with tails, but i have grown to love using this auto rig and really dont see any other option for me but to somehow use it for my character with a tail. :P
I'm not asking for a tail feature to be added, just advice on how I can somehow make it work this once. :) I have included a screenshot

Darrell B

Replies to this question:

  • Demonicdee

    Demonicdee said over 8 years ago:

    Just one example of what happens with my attempt at using a tail in the auto rig. I would love some help with this if possible. :)
  • Demonicdee

    Demonicdee said over 8 years ago:

    GOT IT, So my mistake was rigging the tail FIRST then doing the slap on and trying to fit the rigged tail into the hierarchy. So this is how I did it: 1. Perform the Slap On, with the tail in "Skinning_geo_grp" 2. Create the joints and control for your tail rig 3. Click on the tail geometry and then on EVERY joint in the new tail skeleton 4. Go to Skin, Edit Influences, Add influence 5. Grab the tail joints and the tail control and add them into: all_anim, torso_grp, torso_anim_grp, body_anim, hip_anim_const Now you have a tail for your slap on character! (although i do still have a couple of things I need help with) 1. I can't seem to be able to weight paint my tail joints 2. Obviously as it isn't part of the slap on it doesn't go back to the zero pose
  • badmanjam

    badmanjam said over 8 years ago:

    Hi Darrel The only thing I can say is to make sure your tail controls are moveable by one group node. Then parent constrain that group node to the hip_anim. I hope that helps!

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