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IK Render View Renderer 2.0.6 for Maya (maya script)

Renders image sequences through render view window

Button download


  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/07/2014
File Size: 85.3 KB


no image shown

Submitted byyuval gofer yuval gofer
hi thare
i'm a big fan of this script, lately i update to 2013 from 2011 and the script doesn't render images and i find the folder is empty.
what to do? 

Comments on this bug:

  • Cyberika

    Cyberika said almost 11 years ago:

    It's known bug. It happens randomly. Try to restart Maya. In nearest future I'll try to fix it. Thank you.
  • MayaMana

    MayaMana said over 10 years ago:

    cool script. but It ruined several hours of my rendering .. so annoying! please update this script.
  • donjheimer

    donjheimer said about 10 years ago:

    I think I found where the bug is being caused and how to get around it. I am using Maya 2013 on OSX 10.9.5 In the render settings Common tab if you set "Frame/Animation ext" to "name_#.ext" or "name#.ext", the images show up in the correct folders. When I had it set to "name.#.ext", I would not get any images in the folders. Notes: Looking through the script I found the "createTempFolderAndMakeItHidden" function. I commented out the lines that hide the tmp folder. Doing this will allow you to see the tmp folder and the images being rendered to it. When the batch render is finished, the tmp folder is removed along with all the rendered images(when the tmp folder is hidden, it appears that nothing has been rendered out). It looks like the bug is happening at the point where the script is supposed to copy the rendered frames from the tmp folder to the destination folder(s). This seems to happen when the render setting's "Frame/Animation ext" setting is set to "name.#.ext". My guess is that the "." before the frame # is causing the issue, since name#.ext and name_#.ext actually work with the script. Hope this helps.
  • Cyberika

    Cyberika said about 10 years ago:

    Thank you for your help! I realy appreaciate this. I'll check the code as soon as I can and I'll fix the bug. The code looks for only one type of extension format. Cheers
  • Cyberika

    Cyberika said about 10 years ago:


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