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quickGI.mel 1.0 for Maya (maya script)

"Quick and dirty" dome light rig that...

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Last Modified:02/13/2004
File Size: 4.27 KB
"Quick and dirty" dome light rig that simulates Global Illumination.
quickGI.mel creates 33 spot lights and 1 directional light (main sun light), groups them and creates a selection set.

By default a complementary color effect (light/shadow) is accomplished by a slight blueish tint for the spot lights, a slint yellow tint for the directional light and a dark purple for the directional light's shadow to give the scene a richer look.
If you don't like it, select the domeSet set members in the outliner (RMB-click) and modify the attributes via the attribute spreadsheet or the channel box.

No complicated interfaces, just a quick and easy way to give your scene a little "magic GI" at the push of a shelf button...;)

Tip: Select the sun_directional and "Look Through Selected" (Viewport panel menu) to aim the sun at your point of interest and to position the shadow. Scale the domeLight group to fit your scene size...
Try also to turn off the directional and increase the intensity of the spots for a cooler look.

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