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Variable FK Rigger 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Autorigger for movable FK controls

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Last Modified:10/22/2019
File Size: 34.2 KB


fk, fleity, autorigger, Rigging


Viewport 2.0

Submitted byfleity fleity
It seems that script conflicts with viewport 2.0 (Maya 2014) . Rig conflicts, of course. When I rotate it Maya crashes.

Comments on this bug:

  • fleity

    fleity said almost 11 years ago:

    I am afraid I can not really help you with that problem. Actually I made the demo video with viewport 2.0 and worked with it the whole time while building the rig. No matter if the nurbs surface is shaded or in wireframe it does not crash. I guess you have some kind of compatibility issue between your graphics card / driver and maya vp2, but I have no idea how to adress that problem. I did most of the testing on my laptop with an ATI mobility radeon hd 4300 however I tested it on various other computer with Nvidia cards as well. what graphics are you using?
  • Qu!ck

    Qu!ck said almost 11 years ago:

    Thanks for quick reply. I was thinking the same thing - videocard is so old )). OK. I'll change it.
  • fleity

    fleity said almost 11 years ago:

    hah I noticed that my hd4300 has been moved to the legacy devices on the ati homepage nothing wrong is with old graphics cards xD To make VP2.0 work I even had to change the lower memory limit for maya by adding "MAYA_OGS_GPU_MEMORY_LIMIT = 256;" to the maya.env
  • Qu!ck

    Qu!ck said almost 11 years ago:

    It could be worse ... geForce 8600 ))
  • fleity

    fleity said almost 11 years ago:

    hah funny stuff. I actually found a computer on which I encountered your bug too. Although it only crashes in viewport 2.0 shaded view with AO on and after multiple rotation over all axis. Unfortunately I still have no real fix for this since it is real hard to debug and still might just be a graphics card / driver / version problem. Nevertheless as a workaround I'll be hiding the plane by default because if it is hidden it does not crash and you don't really need to have it visible to have the rig working.
  • alfsici

    alfsici said almost 11 years ago:

    Hi , i just tried the plugin and it does exactly the same..everything works until i rotate any of the controls..then Maya suddently crashes. im using the version 2015. it seems to work fine on 2014 tho..:S im using an Nvidia card on an alienware. any idea of what could it be?:S very weird..
  • alfsici

    alfsici said almost 11 years ago:

    Ok..i managed to solve by going into : Preferences->Display->Viewport 2.0 -> changed Render Engine to DirectX11 Default Viewport to Default Maya could be a simple bug..? hope it helps. -a

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