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Modeling a Human Ear
Modeling a Human Ear
sdb1987, added 2005-09-06 19:54:06 UTC 152,659 views  Rating:
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I'm doing this tutorial because there seems to be a lack of ear tutorials on the web. At least it seems that way to me. I'm certainly not the best modeler out there, and this may not be the best way to do it, but it does the trick and is pretty easy to do and should work with whatever software you happen to use. So, that said, here's my version of modeling a human ear. 8)

Step #1.

It's always a good idea to have good reference material. I recommend Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist. It's a great resource for all your human modeling� Anyhow, there are basically four major areas to the ear. The outer helix: the outer rim, the antihelix: the top curls of the inner area, the lobe and the ear hole area. (My simple explanation.. heh) If you look at it, there is basically a single line that follows the outline of the ear, then moves inside and branches into two areas. Keep those curves in mind when you model.

Step #2.

Create a polygon profile of the general ear shape in a side window. Divide it up into it's four major areas using whatever Split tool your software uses. Once you have split up the upper ear ridge (helix) (Image #1), select those vertices and pull them out. (Image #2). While modeling, you will have to delete and add edges as you see fit. Keep your polygons four point polys if you can help it. In Image #1 I've highlighted the edges that will be pulled out to quickly (and roughly) shape the depth of the ear. By starting in those areas, you can get a quick sense of how the ear is progressing.

Step #3.

Split along the ear ridge again and move the second row of vertices out like the first row.

Step #4.

Define the anithelix of the ear by grabbing its vertices and moving them out. Delete any edges that you don't like and add any (Split the Polygons) that you think will help. Remember to try and keep them four point polygons. In the end it will make for a cleaner model.

Step #5.

All I've done here is defined the outer ear ridges better, and deleted a few edges around the ear hole and then split them again to make that area more workable. The edges in a model are never set in stone, as I reach a new area to work on, I sometimes delete the edges that are there and make new ones that work better for the changes that are ahead and clean up any three point polygons I've made.

Step #6.

I tweaked some more on the general shape simply by moving vertices and extruded in the general shape of the ear hole.

Step #7.

Still deleting and adding edges, I also got rid of the large open area in the inner helix that I should have noticed in the beginning. 8) I moved vertices around the ear hole to better define it. I then rotate the left half of the ear vertices a bit to give it a more ear appropriate angle�