It normally doesnt take me long to make these adjustments, After a lot of practice at Uving things I get an idea in my head of what probably needs to be done to fix any issues, there isnt really a huge variation of UV problems and if you can fix one thing its pretty easy to fix another.
Now the final step is to arrange all the UV shells into the UV grid so they can be exported and texturing can begin. Maya has a fantastic tool called the layout tool. This takes the UVs of an object or many objects and arranges them in a tidy way. It also scales all the shells in relation to each other. This is important because it means the UVs for the orbital sockets wont get more UV space than the mandible, everything gets an equal amount of UV space for its size in the 3D world.

Author: 0
Submitted: 2008-12-15 11:54:33 UTC
Software: Maya
Views: 81,983
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