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How to paint on Subdivision Surface inside Maya
How to paint on Subdivision Surface inside Maya
sdb1987, added 2005-09-13 12:07:52 UTC 39,094 views  Rating:
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11. the UV of the face prepared to be painted

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12. now select the subdTess (poly Ciccio) and the poly proxy of the SubD and transfer the UV from the polygon menu

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13. now assign, with the multilister or the Hypershade a shader to Ciccio Poly and one shader to the subd Ciccio

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14. let's start to paint on Ciccio Poly and assign a texture, any size you like

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15. I decided to start from white with the flood command (I am using the paint EFX plug-in)

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16. I know it looks like an accident with a truck of tins full of paints, but please be indulgent, it is just a tutorial made in a few hours

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17. Now come back in selection mode and made the shader of the Poly Ciccio completely transparent

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18. Now connect the file texture created to the shader of the Subd Ciccio, just dragging with the middle mouse button the texture on the subD Ciccio

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19. now select the Poly Ciccio and unhide the subD Ciccio

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20. start to paint again but use ALT-A to avoid to visualize the edge of the poly Ciccio and start to paint

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Final Image : OK I restarted to paint the model again, the truck was almost empty this time :)

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That's all, maybe it could be worth it to write a mel to do it faster but I have the suspect that it will be available in the maya 4 release.So in the meanwhile, enjoy it.