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How to create a digital Picasso
How to create a digital Picasso
admin, updated 2005-08-17 10:54:56 UTC 88,902 views  Rating:
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Multiple Shaders (for specular variation):

Now you can start to paint different levels of specularity to make your model more appealing. As you know our facial skin has different levels of specularity. Areas such as nose and forehead are naturally more specular. Areas such lips, eyelids and internal part of the nostrils are naturally humid in different proportions. Have this in mind in order to create your shaders with the right amount of specularity for each of these different areas.

Before starting, click on the first shader slot (or the one with the material with less specularity). Load your model in the viewport, click on Edit. Change the color to white in the picker and go to the texture menu. Change the values for Width and Height to 3000 to have some good resolution. Click on �New�.

Click on �Projection Master� (G on your keyboard) . Choose �Colors� and �Shaded� (is up to you to use �Double Sided� and �Fade� options). Click on �Drop Now� button. Click over the second material slot (some material with more specularity than the basic one). Choose �SimpleBrush� under the Tool menu. Choose the alpha you like more to simulate different levels of specularity for pores. Change the stroke type to �Colorized Spray� and change the flow value for something very low like 0.01. Change the placement value to the maximum (= 1). Change the brush size to something very small. Try 3 or 4. Now you can start to paint more specularity in some areas as described above. You will see the result in real time and using these settings we will surely avoid the �plastic look� because you are simulating different specular levels and also the pores on the skin. Finishing with the first specular level, click on �Projection Master� again and choose �Pickup Now�. Rotate and positioning your model and repeat the last step and before to start to paint, just choose another material.

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For the eye material I used the same skin shader just tweaked to look similar to the ToyPlastic shader (very specular). For the texture painting I used Projection Master mode for the main texture painting. Back to the 3D mode I used the radial mirror on Y axis to paint more details and also add some effects with another brushes like BlurBrush and Smudge.

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Here you can see the final texture and the final shader, based on the skin shader but much more specular to mimic the ToyPlastic specular level.

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My settings for the light are very simple and based on Sokar's light. I used just one light with the settings in the next image. This light gives a soft look to the image with some nice soft shadows.

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