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The FleX Rig 1.1.0 for Maya

Please watch both parts of the tutorial before using the FleX Rig.

Button download


  • 2015, 2014

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:03/20/2023
File Size: 12.4 MB

Version History



Version 1.1 Features:


- New ABX Picker for Flex’s body controls (you need to download the “AnimSchool Picker” for free at AnimSchool’s website. LINK BELOW)

- Clothing! There’s a T-Shirt, jeans and sneakers for Flex (the male character), and a blouse, tights and flats for Flexa (the female character) *Note: this is not dynamic cloth, it’s just geometry that has been wrapped to the rig

- New Hairstyles! A brand new hairstyle for both Flex and Flexa. *Note: this is not dynamic hair, just geometry

- Light Rig! For quick and easy rendering with great results!

- High Resolution 4K texture maps! For crystal clear definition no matter how close the camera is.

- Several other minor fixes


Version 1.0 FEATURES:


- Access to the FleXpression Editor [the FleX rig's unique, integrated ABX-Picker-Styled facial control setup]

- Seamless character gender switch control from male to female [with automated texture change function]

- IK/FK limbs

- Dynamic stretch and squash in limbs, torso, neck and head

- Bendable limbs, spine and neck

- Dynamic parents for head, hands, clavicles, hips and feet

- Fully poseable fingers and toes

- Bold, bright, easy-to-select controls



Get the AnimSchool Picker for free here: (click on “Go to Download Page”)


- Follow the instructions for installing the AnimSchool Picker (instructions are on their website)

- Once the AnimSchool Picker is installed in Maya and is opening up without any errors, 

go to File>Open and select the “FleX_V1_Picker.pkr” file in the scripts folder, and it should open up.


Happy Animating! :)