Creation Date: April, 2008
This script add the possibility to automaticly duplicate (if only one object is selected)
and connect the attributes from the first selected object to the duplicated or the others selected objects.
The default attributes are defined in the NPduplicateAndConnect.mel file.
It is also possible to define manualy the desired attributes to connect in the options box selecting the mode "Select Attributes"
Put the file:
- NPduplicateAndConnect.melon your mel scripts folder:
(Windows) drive:Documents and SettingsusernameMy Documentsmayascriptsand create or locate your userSetup.mel, by default on this folder:
(Mac OS X) Users/username/Library/Preferences/Alias/maya/x.0/scripts
(IRIX and Linux) ~username/maya/scripts
(Windows) :Documents and SettingsMyDocumentsmayascriptsor, if you use the BonusTool, in the script folder of it.
(Mac) ~/Library/Preferences/Alias/maya//scripts
(Linux) ~/maya//scripts
(Windows) :Program FilesAliasMayaBonusToolsand put the command:
(Mac) /Users/Shared/Alias/maya/
(Linux) /usr/aw/maya/BonusTools
restart maya...buildDeferredMenus(); //for Maya 2009 (only once)
source NPduplicateAndConnect;
How to use:
The command and options menu items are located on the default edit menu.
Select one node, if you want to duplicate it, or select how much you want: the first will be the source, the other will be the targets.
The attributes are by default setted in the NPduplicateAndConnect.mel file or mannualy selected in the scroll list on the options box.
The command is:
and for the options is :
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