Creation Date: March, 2008
This script add the possibility to render an object in a "mesh scene"
in a selected range of longitude and lattitude relative to the front axe
and assign the image sequence to the particles systems in a "particles scene"
Put the file:
- NPrenderToSprites.mel
(Windows) drive:Documents and SettingsusernameMy Documentsmayascriptscreate or locate your userSetup.mel, by default on this folder:
(Mac OS X) Users/username/Library/Preferences/Alias/maya/6.0/scripts
(IRIX and Linux) ~username/maya/scripts
(Windows) :Documents and SettingsMy Documentsmayascriptsor, if you use the BonusTool, in the script folder of it.
(Mac) ~/Library/Preferences/Alias/maya//scripts
(Linux) ~/maya//scripts
(Windows) :Program FilesAliasMayaBonusToolsand put the command:
(Mac) /Users/Shared/Alias/maya/
(Linux) /usr/aw/maya/BonusTools
buildDeferredMenus(); //for Maya 2009 (only once)
and restart maya...
or rehash;
The renderToSprites Options menu is located on the standard Particles menu.
To have the options window with the renderToSprites Options on, use the command:

Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.