This script add in the standard duplicate options:
- duplicate total transform:
duplicate a single DAG object on a 1, 2 or 3 dimensional array with the 3 simple space description: "cubic", "cylindrical" and "spherical".
- duplicate along nurbs curves:
duplicate a single DAG object on a ensemble of selected nurbs curves.
- duplicate along nurbs surfaces:
duplicate a single DAG object on a ensemble of selected nurbs surfaces.
- perform_NP_duplicate.melthat you find on the "_NP_duplicate.1.2.rar" on your mel scripts folder:
- perform_NP_duplicateAlongCurve.mel
- perform_NP_duplicateAlongSurface.mel
- perform_NP_duplicateTotalTransform.mel
(Windows) drive:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\maya\scriptscreate or locate your userSetup.mel, by default on this folder:
(Mac OS X) Users/username/Library/Preferences/Alias/maya/6.0/scripts
(IRIX and Linux) ~username/maya/scripts
(Windows) <drive>:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\maya\<Version>\scriptsor, if you use the BonusTool, in the script folder of it.
(Mac) ~/Library/Preferences/Alias/maya/<version>/scripts
(Linux) ~/maya/<version>/scripts
(Windows) <drive>:\Program Files\Alias\Maya<Version>\BonusToolsand put the command:
(Mac) /Users/Shared/Alias/maya/<Version>
(Linux) /usr/aw/maya<Version>/BonusTools
source perform_NP_duplicate;save and close and restart maya...
Known Problems
- DO NOT WORK ON MAYA VERSION UPPER 9 (in reason of new animation layer)
- the "undo" doesn't work after the creation operation.
Total Transform
- the duplicated on the same position are not removed when the angle is set to a complete rotation.
- the refresh of the aim constraint is in some case not evaluated, move the locator or the parent group to obtain it.
on Curves
- the refresh of the animation snapshot is not correct when the number decrease.
- the "connect in/out meshes" is very impredictable (if you have any solution, mail me, thanks)
for more informations, see on: https://n.pastrana.free.fr/mel/
for anything, contact me: n.pastrana(a)free.fr
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