Ever Lost your work Because your PC CRASHED?
save your work before it happens with this tool.
this tool here, automatically saves your last tool chosen and save your Document as a PSD.
after you get set up, you will not have to click any buttons to save your work.
1 Load audio
the audio you load will be used and herd each time the file saves the ztl and psd
this will let you know its confirmed that its saved
use a short sound WAV,
Like a Bleep or a Click or a bell, Because it only saves it after the sound wav has finished.
these files keep over writing each time there saved.
2 Time Interval
this will set the Time
this set the time Seconds x 10
so iF its set to 1, it will save every 10 seconds
if its set to 2, it will save it self every 20
if its set to 3, it will save it self every 30 second ect ect
automatically saves your last tool chosen and save your Document as a PSD.
this works on if the Mouse is Active
so if you have it set to save every 60 seconds then it will save soon as you move your mouse
and Click after the 60 seconds has gone past
3 zplugin auto save
this is the area you can navigate to chose your options
4 zip allso includes some short wav file samples
Credit keithathaide and marcus_civis
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