2 To 1 Ratio is a sufficient qood quilty Texturing
The slider creates a blank texture height and width eqaul size
this is recamened when using the ZAppLink projection.
this will will allow you to paint your character in 2.5 mode
this is recamened if your model has a very high poly count
because when 3D texturing back and forth with the ZAppLink projection can slow the texture transfer
and allso Bog your computor down.
2D To 3D
after using the ZAppLink-2D button
you will want to transfer the texture from the canvas to your model.
For 2 video demonstration see here
update april 23 2009
actionscript Mutli View>apart fit on screen has been Fixed,
UN Check the box that say>canvas size if your using 2 to 1 Ratio

This comes with photoshop actionscripts a total of 4 folder
These actionscripts make it easy for you when using ZAppLink, see Link Below.

saves your model and saves the texture in incremets and then activates ZAppLink
here is a character i done with it
which you can download the tool texture and material

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