ever have a hard time remembering your short cut hot keys?
does your software have to many hot keys to remember?
This will allow you to speak into your Mic to Execute a command,
here is a sample, CTRL + Z this is UNDO
say the word >UNDO in your Mic
this now Excutes CTRL + Z
you do not have to press ANY hot keys on your keyboard you just say a word phrase.
my plugin has a built in script which can be activated by key words
here is just one example
if i say the words >save custom tool
then it save the tool selected in the tool pallet,
the tool is saved to the script plugin
i can re-ativate another command key word to view the saved tool or any saved tool
if i say a key word to turn the object then it will turn,
here is a example if i say > front view into the Mic
the object faces front
video tutorial
you need 2 things for this to work
first: the download zbrush plugin
second: the software download for the voice commads, the software is not mine
chose full install if you do download it
the www. link to the software Free Trial is in the READ-Me.txt file in my plugin
the software works with other apps allso,
this is based on Refered referrals
if you buy the app you will see a e mail on the check out page
PLEASE say> E-Z referred me
ask for Ron
the zbrush plugin comes with most hotkey commands but not all
so its up to you to finish it.
you can make your own voice commands to activate any Macro you make in zbrush
and you don't need any scripting experience.
zbrush Voice-HotKeys
EDIT january 18, 2008
just found out if you re select another Tool it will De-Activate the Zscript Plugin
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