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"Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig 2.3.8 for Maya (maya script)

This is a tool that will set up a customizable rig for a bipedal character

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Last Modified:12/10/2022
File Size: 132 KB


fk, autorig, auto-rig, Rig, maya

Feature Request

Arm/Leg Stretching

Submitted by:John Doe John Doe
Hey Dustin. I just had a couple more suggestions for your awesome script. I think it would be really cool if maybe there can be an option for both the arms and legs to turn off the maintain volume feature. What I mean is that right now, if I stretch out the arms or legs in IK with stretch on, or I use the scaleX in when in FK mode the limbs become thinner (as they should to maintain volume). But sometimes i need to fake some stuff in a shot and this requires me to make the characters arms and or legs longer while still maintain their normal volume. But with the way its setup now, the arms and legs get thin when you stretch them out. Also, if this option were to be added, when maintain volume is off, when in FK could there be scaleX scaleY and scaleZ for both the upper and lower limbs seperately so we can get even more customization if needed. One last thing would to be given more control on the scale of the hand. Right now when you scale it, it scales evenly. It would be nice to have individual scales so that for example during a smear frame, you could make the hand really long and thin. So I dont know if any of this is even possible but I just thought I would throw a few more suggestions your way. Thanks!

Comments on this feature request:

  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 14 years ago:

    Hey Ryan, I will definitely put the arm volume in there. I wrote that for a prototype arm, just haven't got around to implementing it in the rig. Being able to scale the other two axes is probably doable. It will just be an additive effect to the arm volume. So regardless of whether the volume is on or off, you can still scale. The hand scale is something I am working on as well, there are two ways I can potentially tackle it. The way I want to do it is going to take a little longer, but it's in my plans to include. Thanks again! Dustin
  • John Doe

    John Doe said over 14 years ago:

    Sounds Great Dustin! I cant wait for all these things to come together. Thanks.
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 14 years ago:

    Hey Ryan, I have added an auto volume attribute to the switchControls in 1.2.6. Still working on the hand scale stuff though... Hopefully I will get to that sooner rather than later. I am also planning on adding volume control to the torso and neck. That should be in the next update. The script has seen a lot of change and (hopefully) improvements over the past couple months, hopefully you still have the chance to check it out. Dustin

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