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"Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig 2.3.8 for Maya (maya script)

This is a tool that will set up a customizable rig for a bipedal character

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Last Modified:12/10/2022
File Size: 132 KB


fk, autorig, auto-rig, Rig, maya

Feature Request

Easy way to select the influence and bind joints

Submitted by:D T D T
Hi Dustin I am trying to add a face rig on to the rapid rig (thank you by the way for a great script) but it is hard to find all the joints in the created rig so I can bound the face mesh to the existing rig. I can easily select the influence joints. I am assuming the influence joints are the joints in the DSN_JointLayer. But is hard to select the bind joints because there hidden.

Comments on this feature request:

  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 14 years ago:

    Hi D T, Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but in the User Interface, in the second tab, there is a button to select skinning joints. If you have already created a rig, click that button and it will select all the joints that a character should be skinned to. If it is just a head that you are trying to skin, you may want to do your weight painting, and then in the smooth skinning options, remove unused influences. Let me know if that works or if I have misunderstood what you are trying to achieve. Thanks! Dustin

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