bug fixed, tweak option not loading correct file name.
please re upload new file.
the file is a winace file not zip.
There is TWO Video tutorials which are WMV windows media formatt
make sure you watch to learn the basic.
there has been a update after the video
just ONE of the divide button has been replaced with a tweak option.
hers is just a basic walk threw once the plugin is Loaded
1: press Begin Modeling, once your done modeling goto step 2
2: press polymesh PM3D, this will pre load another plugin and you will see lots of options
the Trick isssssss use the Divide and UN-divide button
this will preview it in high and low subdivision level which you might want to use this option alot,
you will beable to alter your mesh from crease to extrude ect ect
so this is the best time to preview it by Divide and UN-divide button.
3:Tweak, press the tweak button when your all done
this will now load another plugin, the FIRST thing you do is Divide the mesh much as you like
you might want to divide the mesh quit high and this only needs to be done once
from here on out just use the Slider to adjust the mesh resolution,
you will beable to tweak and push and pull and all the transform brushes are at your tip in the plugin.
this has lots of options even if you dont like box modeling
you can extrude the part hidden mesh or extrude with a bevel
you can zsub the part hidden mesh or zsub with a bevel
you can crease the mesh for a hard edge or soft edge with part hidden mesh or full mesh
you can edge loop and edge crisp part hidden mesh
you can store part hidden mesh and recall them in a click of a button
it allso does the short cut hots keys for you when the mesh is part hidden/ no more ctrl + shift click
to bring the mesh back to full visibility
you can allso right mouse click to preview or un-preview a zsphere.
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