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Wolf rig 1.2.1 for Maya

A non-commersial rig for animation shorts

Button download


  • 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:12/18/2011
File Size: 2.03 MB


animation, Rig


rotation axis mismatch

Submitted byCGnitro CGnitro
the local rotation axis of  'Fk_SpineMid' doesnt match with other spine joints n tail , usually z axis is forward axis for joints n ctrls .. but here x axis is forward n only one joint is z axis forward axis..

also the right foot ctrl has same issue, z axis is froward axis on other 3 feet but this opne has x axis as forward axis, pls address these issues,

the twist attribute in hind legs is redundant, I understand it can be animated with pole vector itself,,

the hind legs forward axis is at an angle form the world axis , ie z axis of foot ctrl is not inline with z axis of world,  this creates issues in run or walk cycle loop as the when animated in world axis it creates keys in 2 axes whihc keeps spreading up with time in the graph, n gets really difficult to control

 also just a request it would be really nice if there was a Left and right hip ctrl just like separate L n R shoulder ctrl,,

thanks a lot,,,

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