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"Rapid Rig: Modular" - Procedural Auto Rig 2.4.8 for Maya (maya script)

"Rapid Rig: Modular" frees you from the confines of bipedal autorigs! So get creative!

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Last Modified:03/25/2023
File Size: 323 KB

Feature Request


Submitted by:brandelan brandelan
So as you've seen from various posts I'm trying to do an octopus rig with your spine/neck spline ik system. The problem is that the spline ik is meant to be above the cog. This presents a problem when moving the main root as the ik ends don't stay locked on the ground. The entire spline ik system moves with the root. Is there any way to deal with this so that we can have leg ik splines vs a spine spline? Does that make sense? This is a link to the proxy setup I'm attempting.

Comments on this feature request:

  • brandelan

    brandelan said over 10 years ago:

    So I've built a rig with your ik spline setup for tentacles. I just wanted to post it as an example of how it's being used and features that would make it more workable. -If we could have a world space parent for the top ik controllers. It'd help with the tentacle 'feet'. -I'd love to be able to lock down the mid controller on the ik splines to use it as an additional pivot point for the tentacle. -It'd be nice if I could turn off the display of the spline FK controllers as they can get in the way. -Have the option to have the ik splines behave like your leg setup when moving the root controller. Right now, when you move the root, the 'feet' plants move with the root controller. They don't stay locked in place like feet should. (For the traditional spine you'd still want the setup to be as it is right now by default). -A root hip/shoulder controller for the entire tentacle would be nice, too, so the entire tentacle can be rotated as a whole. The base FK control isn't reliable, since it stays in place when the secondary root is moved around.
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 10 years ago:

    The TopIKC of the spline has two custom attributes called "TopTranslate" and "Top Rotate". Setting these values to zero means the control will move in only the local space of the MainC, meaning the ROOT (or any other parent node) will not affect the position or rotation of the end of the spline. If a module is added to the ROOT of the rig, you will find a custom channel called "ROOT Parent" (in the case of the Splines, it is in the TopIKC). If it is set to ROOT, it will ignore the effects of the ROOT Secondary control. If you want the module to be affected by the ROOT Secondary (which is a child of the ROOT and will therefore also be influenced by the ROOT), set it to ROOT Secondary. So if you wanted the FK controls to be affected by the ROOT Secondary, set that drop down to ROOT Secondary. Recently, I added SplineIK to the FK Chains. So now there is a switch in the FK chain to use it as a spline IK. It is different from the Spline module though. Each joint has an IK Spline control and you can change how much each one of those follows the parent nodes. Also, you can set the IK to either blend from FK, or be additive to the IK. I need to create a tutorial video for this to show how it works. I should be able to add the same "TopTranslate" and "Top Rotate" style of channels on the MidIKC as well. -Dustin
  • brandelan

    brandelan said over 10 years ago:

    Sweet on all counts. For my tentacles, I need the 'foot' plants that the Spine setup offers, so the FK chains don't really help. But it's really cool that the ik spline exists for those; i did not know that. A "TopTranslate" and "TopRotate" channel on the midIKC would be very helpful. So, really, these 2 issues are all I'd like dealt with if possible: -If we could have a world space parent for the top ik controllers. It'd help with the tentacle 'feet'. -It'd be nice if I could turn off the display of the spline FK controllers as they can get in the way. Thanks!
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 8 years ago:

    The Fk Chains come with an option to generate a spline Ik, which is useful for tentacles. You can have them stretch, and set any control to follow the world and/or its parent control.

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