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"Rapid Rig: Modular" - Procedural Auto Rig 2.4.8 for Maya (maya script)

"Rapid Rig: Modular" frees you from the confines of bipedal autorigs! So get creative!

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Last Modified:03/25/2023
File Size: 323 KB


Arachnid Preset

Submitted byAlexandra Boatman Alexandra Boatman
I'm using v1.1.0 on Maya 2013.

When I import the arachnid preset I get this error:
RapidRig_Modular.mel line 724: setAttr: A child attribute of 'RRM_l_Pedipalp_01_05.scale' is locked or connected and cannot be modified

It imports the preset, but the right side proxies are piled on top of one another towards the ground planee. I can select the RRM_MAIN and mirror the proxies from Left to Right and then they seem fine. It seems to just be an import error because of that one line of mel.

I've attached a photo. 

Comments on this bug:

  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said about 11 years ago:

    Thanks for letting me know, I will get that fixed asap. I love your Spongebob navigation cube, by the way. That's amazing! -Dustin
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said about 11 years ago:

    This is fixed in version 1.1.1. Thanks! -Dustin

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